• 7 Takeaways from Blogging on the 8th Anniversary of Steph’s Scribe

    I was sitting in my office approving students for registration when I saw an alert from WordPress, my blogging platform. It said, “Happy Anniversary.” It hadn’t even occurred to me what today was because I’ve been so busy and in so much pain recently due to my herniated disc, but I can’t talk about that for one more minute. I’m tired of talking about that. So instead, today, I’ll share with you my biggest takeaways from blogging. Perhaps you know someone who is a blogger or someone who would love to start a blog. I’ve actually loved (almost) every minute of it, and can’t imagine not having it in my…

  • Why Journaling Can Be Important

    * * * Yesterday, my colleague, Leeanne, was asking me questions about London and the places I enjoyed visiting during a trip my husband I took there many years ago. She and our department chair, Chip, are taking a group of our students on a Business Communication trip in January to London and the Cotswolds. Am I ever jealous! This is going to be something rather special, and I’m so excited that the students have an opportunity like this…to travel abroad…and to take in…some…culture. Culture. Arts. Literature. Museums. Historic landmarks & sights. It’s important to add a little variety to your life and open your mind to all that travel…