• Today’s Suggestion: Keep Dancing

    I have a confession to make: I love to dance. I have another confession to make: sometimes I dance as a form of exercise. The fact of the matter is, like many other forms of aerobic exercise, dancing is a great stress reliever, is good for your heart, and can burn 450 calories per hour. Why do you think so many people on “Dancing with the Stars” lose weight on the program? Because they are dancing their butts off. Honestly, there is nothing better than playing some of your favorite music and dancing. For 30, 45 , or 60 minutes, depending on the time I have available, I may “get away”…

  • Phillip Phillips and My Mother

    As I was putting away my Christmas presents this morning and trying to organize the children’s bundle of gifts, I came across a gift that my mom gave me yesterday: the Phillip Phillips album on disc. Yes, I’m still one of those people who prefers to receive a CD; I realize most people are of the iTunes generation, but I still like the physical disc of the record. There’s something about holding it and having it that makes me feel connected to the artist. I actually enjoy reading the liner notes. To use the words a teenager might say, “My mom rocks.” I put the disc in the player and…